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Ultrasound and Obstetrics

pregnancy scans
to support you and your baby throughout your entire journey
A Caring team of expert sonographers and gynaecologists

Experiencing pain or bleeding during early pregnancy?

Newcastle Ultrasound launches a unique Urgent Access Early Pregnancy Scanning Service to quickly diagnose and manage pain and bleeding during early pregnancy.

We go beyond a scan to give you immediate scan results and same day specialist advice

When it comes to pregnancy scanning and fetal screening services you can rest assured that we use the most advanced technology available to provide you with the most accurate diagnosis and care during each trimester.

At Newcastle Ultrasound, you don’t have to wait days or weeks to get the results of your pregnancy scans. In fact, you’ll receive your results on the same day as your visit.

Your pregnancy scan is then followed by a same day review with our specialist gynaecologists who have obtained extra qualifications in women’s ultrasound.

At this review you are welcome to discuss your results and ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable that you and your baby are progressing well. If required, during this appointment you will also be given tailored advice on a treatment plan and/or a referral back to your obstetrician for ongoing care.

Our advanced technology means more accurate results for you

The technology used at Newcastle Ultrasound is no ordinary scanning technology. We have invested in cutting edge ultrasound and reporting systems delivering the highest quality images, diagnosis and reports.

As standard practice, advanced scanning techniques including 3D/4D are used to rule out any abnormalities in your baby.

Find out:

  • When your baby is due
  • If there are any issues with your pregnancy (such as the position of the baby, and the location of the placenta or umbilical cord)
  • If you are having twins or a multiple pregnancy, and whether multiple babies have come from one or several eggs

We don’t just conduct pregnancy scanning, we also screen for fetal abnormalities

It’s best to know about any abnormalities as early as possible so that appropriate care and management can be offered without delay.

Dr Steve Raymond, Director of Newcastle Ultrasound, helped to establish the first Prenatal Diagnostic clinic in the Hunter in 1987 and undertook some of the earliest invasive prenatal tests in the region. Find out more about our prenatal diagnosis services here.

Newcastle Ultrasound offers the highest quality advanced screening tests which are used to identify pregnancies at increased chance of having a chromosomal condition such as Down syndrome, Trisomy 18 or 13. If your test shows an increased chance of one of these syndromes, you will have the opportunity to discuss your ongoing options in detail during your review with our specialist gynaecologist and ultrasonologist.

Continuity of care

Our continuity of care means that you can monitor your baby’s development and progress throughout your entire pregnancy.

Our Viewpoint electronic reporting system means that we are able to monitor you and your baby throughout your pregnancy, from the first trimester dating scan right through to the third trimester growth scans as required. Every scan and measurement we perform is tracked and charted against each of your previous visits to chart your baby’s growth more accurately. We can even compare your results to a previous pregnancy. This individualised service ensures optimal health for you and your baby and early intervention if required.

Learn more about the different types of scanning stages here


Fetal Maternal Medicine Foundation accreditations

Our Viewpoint electronic reporting is specialised software that detects risk factors such as the absence of the nasal bone in babies or assess the risk of Preeclampsia (high blood pressure) in pregnancy. We are accredited to the highest level possible.

During your first trimester screening (12 week nuchal translucency scan), an assessment of the nasal bone is conducted that requires very specific techniques, training, accreditation and technology to help identify risk factors for Down syndrome. Newcastle Ultrasound is one of the very few scanning clinics that is accredited to conduct such assessments.

contact us

For further information or to ask a question, please feel free to contact us

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Learn more about your pregnancy and pregnancy scanning


Are you ready to take care of you?

Make an appointment now to visit us. Call 02 4957 3899 or complete the contact form.