Invest in yourself. You’re worth it
Gynaecological problems such as abnormal bleeding or recurrent pain, are good reasons to have an ultrasound, especially if you’re trying to fall pregnant or you’re at the other end of the spectrum and going through the menopause.
Why suffer unnecessarily when you could have a problem that’s easily fixed once it’s been diagnosed?
Why put yourself through the stress of not knowing? Do you have abnormal bleeding or pelvic pain?
Among other things, an ultrasound can:
- assess the size of your uterus
- check for fibroids or polyps which may cause bleeding
- examine your ovaries in detail to check for any signs of endometriosis
- check your ovaries to rule out cancer
Our trained operators are respectful, and highly skilled at noting abnormalities through recognising patterns and shapes. For example, the blood flow pattern and contents of a cyst can usually give medical clues as to the underlying problem such as endometriosis, polycystic ovaries or ovarian cancer.
Whatever stage of your life, it’s important to take care of yourself first. You can’t help anyone else if your health and wellbeing is compromised.
Heavy periods can be due to the presence of fibroids in the wall of the womb or polyps in the lining of uterus. These can usually be seen quite easily using a combination of 2D and 3D ultrasound.
Bleeding occurring after menopause is never normal and careful assessment of the endometrium needs to be made to determine if there are polyps or any other abnormalities present which may require treatment or surgery.
Bleeding in between periods can also be a concern and once again can be caused by fibroids or polyps.
This is a common reason for women undergoing ultrasound examinations. Sometimes there are unexpected findings such as endometriosis or ovarian cysts which can then be treated.
A normal ultrasound examination can be a simple non invasive way to obtain reassurance that there is no worrying abnormality present.
Sometimes your doctor may find a swelling in the pelvis and may not be clear as to whether this is a significant problem.
Not all masses or swellings need treatment and a normal ultrasound examination by an experienced gynaecologist may provide the reassurance needed that all is normal.
An ultrasound examination will be able to tell whether the swelling is due to a fibroid in the uterus or a cyst in an ovary. This would help with the plan of management to decide if further testing or surgery is required.
Prolapse and urinary incontinence are very common problem after childbirth and with the approach of the menopause. This can be a significant problem for women leading to social embarrassment at times.
An ultrasound examination can assess the degree of prolapse and laxity of the pelvis floor. Assessment of uterine size and the exclusion of fibroids as well as any residual urine in the bladder after urination can be very helpful in planning treatment and in particular surgical management.
Many patients will have a strong family history of ovarian or endometrial cancer. A pelvic ultrasound examination will be able to assess the ovaries and exclude the presence of a cyst which may be cancerous.
Many patients who are on hormone treatment of breast cancer can often have abnormalities of the lining of the womb which needs to be assessed and treated.
Endometriosis is a common condition usually affecting women in their reproductive years and when they are still menstruating. It is a very common condition affecting between 10-15% of women. The symptoms can be quite vague and the average time to diagnosis can be prolonged at six or seven years.
This condition is insidious and manifests itself at all ages. In particular it is commonly diagnosed
- in young women having painful periods
- in women having difficulty falling pregnant
- in older women with heavy and painful periods
Are you ready to take care of you?
Make an appointment now to visit us. Call 02 4957 3899 or complete the contact form.